Monday, February 22, 2010

Another appointment

Thomas had another appointment today with Dr. Buchmann. He looked at the flap in his mouth and said everything is healing great, he said that it still in very bulky and so he said that after radiation sometime he will need to have another surgery to remove all the excess skin.. We knew from the beginning that he would have to do this so it wasn't a surprise to us. The speech therapist lady also came in and said she wants his feeding tube out in one week at the latest! Were working on getting it out sooner though. Right now Thomas is eating Coke Slurpee's, jello, pudding and apple sauce. Tonight we went to the store and got lots more things for him to try. Its really hard for him to swallow so its been difficult to find food that he can get down. They also said the feeding tube needs to be out before he has his mask made for radiation, he gets the mask made on march 4Th, they said the mask is very tight and the tube will make it so its not a tight fit. So that's our goal this week is to get that tube out! Well that's its for now! Love you all!

1 comment:

  1. That's great news! I had surgery on my leg and it took it almost a year to heal as well. It will be numb forever :( Glad to know you guys are well. Love the updates, I'm constantly checking to see if your blog is updated. XO.
