Hi Friends and Family. I decided that i wanted to start a blog for Thomas so that our family and friends can see the road that Thomas has ahead of him. Thomas has been diagnosed with Sarcoma Cancer of a Unknown Origin. Here's his story..
Back in November 2009 Thomas discovered a small lump in his neck, around the lymph node area, we didn't think much of it, we figured that he was starting to get sick and that was the lymph nodes doing there job and trying to fight off the sickness. Then about two weeks after that he got a small lump in his gum area only, below his K9 tooth, it was about that size for a week and then after that week it started getting bigger and bigger everyday, it started growing up and over his teeth, pushing two of his teeth up with it, we didn't know what we should do. On Christmas eve we showed the massive lump to my uncle, who is a Doctor, he referred us to and Oral Surgeon. We scheduled an appointment to see the Oral Surgeon on January 11Th, but around midnight on January 1st we noticed the lump was very big and it was bothersome to Thomas and causing him pain, so i called the Oral Surgeon that we had an upcoming appointment with and he said we could come see him in the morning, so we got some sleep and then went and saw the Oral Surgeon that morning. He looked at it and said it was defiantly a Tumor, he said that he thinks there is a .01% chance that its cancer, he said the next step would be to come in the following Monday (Jan 4Th) and have a biopsy done to see if its cancer or not. So we went into the appointment on Monday, as we were waiting for the Dr, the office lady came into the room and told us that the Dr wasn't on our insurance list and asked us to see another doctor. So after speaking to Thomas mom she gave us a name of a good oral surgeon that she has taken her kids to before, so i called the surgeon and we were able to get an appointment for the next day!! Me, Thomas and Karlene went to the appointment, The New Dr (Dr. Jessen) looked at it and said it was defiantly a tumor and he said it is highly possible for it to be cancerous, he decided to do a biopsy of it right then and then so that we could find out what it is. He took a pretty good size of the top of the lump off, and sent it to his friend in Washington State to have him look at it, also while he was doing the biopsy he could tell that there was some growth in his throat and so the Dr wanted him to get a CT scan, he said he should have the results back on Friday, he said in the meantime we needed to get the CT scan. So the next day, Wednesday the 6Th, we took Thomas to McKay Dee hospital for the scan, it was a very quick and easy test. They did the scan and sent us on our way. We anxiously waited for Friday to come and finally it did. Me, Thomas, My mom and Thomas mom went to the appointment, the appointment was at 10:00 and we waited a while to see the Dr and when the Dr came in he told us that he hasn't received the biopsy results back yet and told us it would be a few more hours, so we went home and waited for the Dr to call us when the results came in, they finally called at 2:30. So we got back in the car and headed back to the Doctors office. The Dr came in and told us that it wasn't good news, my heart sank. He told us that Thomas has Sarcoma cancer of a unknown origin. He said they he cannot determine where in the body the cancer started. He said Thomas case is very rare and hasn't seen anything like it for a long time. He told us we would need to go to the Huntsman Cancer Institute in Salt Lake for further testing and scans to find out where it started in the body. So i called Huntsman and they were able to get us in very quickly! We have an appointment scheduled for Monday the 11Th at 8:00 am! I know that we have a very long road ahead of us, but we has so many people that care about us! We are grateful that we were referred to great doctors and that we can get Thomas on the path to recovery. I will update the blog after every appointment so check back soon!! We love you all!